Kimetsu no Yaiba- LiSA
The anime film “Kimetsu no Yaiba” was recently broadcast on Japan’s Fuji Television during prime time TV for two weeks in a row.
The blockbuster manga comic series ”Kimetsu no Yaiba”, published for the “Weekly Shonen Jump” magazine, concluded earlier this year in May, and boasts a cumulative circulation that exceeds 100 million. The drama behind humans and demons, the swordfighting, and the sometimes comical depictions of the characters, all contributed to its popularity, leading to the creation of an anime series on TV, and to the hit theme song “Gurenge” by LiSA.
When asked about the song’s lyrics during a radio appearance in 2019, LiSA reflected on how hard it was to write the lyrics. “When I wrote the lyrics, I didn’t go in thinking of making it all about Tanjiro. When I thought about what my role was in performing this song, I realized I wanted to project my own feelings. So, I first absorbed everything about Tanjiro, then released it and wrote the lyrics as LiSA.” The theme song was created after reading and connecting with the comic series, and so it is no wonder that it became such as big hit.
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DJ ramenbeats started his career in the early 1980’s selecting music and writing scripts for a radio station in Tokyo Japan. This led him to start DJing in Yokohama and Tokyo, where he became known for his great mixing skills of R&B and Pops of the 80’s and 90’s. At one point, DJ ramenbeats owned 6 Technics turntables and 8 mixers, and well over 4,500 vinyl records. He also managed his own disco club and DJ bar in Japan.
DJ ramenbeats relocated to the United States in 2017 and resumed DJing helping to widen recognition of the Japanese City-Pop / Kayokyoku culture to an American audience.
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