2021 Year of the Ox
From ORIGAMI magazine
By mid-year, 2020 was shaping up to become the biggest collective challenge we had faced in our lives. And now that we are nearing the end of this pivotal year, many of us gaze at the future with hopeful eyes. But could 2021 offer something better? Does the near future look bright? Or in the very least, less bad? We decided to turn to the reliable stars to see what’s in store for us in the coming year.
According to the Chinese calendar, 2021 is the year of the Ox, the second year of the 12-year cycle that began this year, which is the Year of the Rat. During this particular cycle, the year of the Ox comes to us in the Yin aspect (of Yin/Yang) and associated with the metal element.
The word that best represents this Metal Ox Year is “unification,” the act of bringing disparate aspects together. It also signifies that which is yet to come into fruition. This means 2021, which officially begins February 3, holds great promise, but implies effort and hard work to get to that place. Since Yin Metal is associated with jewelry and precious metals, the coming year is symbolized by unpolished gems waiting to be uncovered.
If you were born in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, or 2009, you are an Ox person. Generally speaking, the Ox year person is honest, reliable, hardworking and persistent — if not a little too stubborn at times. You may take a while to make decisions about things, but once you’ve set your mind to something, you will doggedly see it through against all odds.

For the Ox person, 2021 is looking like a developmental year in many aspects. The Ox person is well advised to be very cautious and conservative with money matters, and importantly, take special care of their health. Career and academic challenges are predicted for the Ox. However, eventual rewards will come for those who put in the hard work, and nothing will come for those who fail to put in the work. This is also a good time to focus on skill and relationship development. Proceed with caution and lean on family and friends when the going gets tough. They are more than happy to help you. If you are in a relationship, it’s time to take the next step. If you’re married, it’s time to have children.
Here’s a roundup for each astrological sign under the Metal Ox Year.
The Rat person (born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) will likely face work and money challenges, but 2021 will be a good one for starting a family, finding or improving romantic relationships. Your health will remain stable, but avoid travel and stick to your trademark characteristics of hard work and perseverance. You will eventually be rewarded for that.
The Tiger person (born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) has great potential in the area of romance, but may face an uphill battle in their professional life. Health and finances will be stable, but refrain from big purchases and focus on saving this year. Be patient with yourself and especially with others — this may open up new avenues of growth for you.
Rabbits (born in 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) will take a small sigh of relief in the coming year after what has been a stressful 2020. Romantic relationships may face challenges, although if you are not in one yet, it’s a good year to find a partner, or even have children if married. Money and career matters will be stable if you don’t take big chances, and you will likely enjoy strong and stable health.
Finances look good for the Dragon person (born in 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012). Look out for your health, physical and internal, and if you’re itching to travel, opt for a staycation instead. Be mindful about your relationship with your co-workers; they are the key to your professional success. For the single Dragons, the second half of the year looks auspicious in terms of romance.
Snake folks (born in 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013) are looking at a fairly lucky year, whether it’s in romance, finance and health. However, be careful of forces that are trying to take advantage of your financial luck. Workwise, lean on your colleagues and let them lean on you too. Go the extra mile to help them out and look for chances to help yourself professionally.
If you’re a Horse person (born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014), expect a lot of ups and downs this year. You will be blessed with strong health for the most part, but with regards to money matters, avoid large investments and purchases. Work may feel more stressful this Ox year, so enjoy your time with family and close friends; they will bring you relief.
If you’re a Horse person (born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014), expect a lot of ups and downs this year. You will be blessed with strong health for the most part, but with regards to money matters, avoid large investments and purchases. Work may feel more stressful this Ox year, so enjoy your time with family and close friends; they will bring you relief.
The Monkey person (born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016) is looking at a strong Ox year in terms of finances and career. That said, watch for those who surround you at your workplace as some undermining forces may be at play. New romance opportunities are on the horizon for single Monkeys, but stay loyal if you’re in a relationship. You’ll enjoy good health, but watch out for minor injuries.
The Rooster person (born in 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) is on track for a strong 2021. You are especially fortunate careerwise, but also in romantic relationships. While your health sign is not as strong as your finance and career aspects, you will enjoy steadfast health as long as you remain careful while on the road or outdoors in nature.
The Dog person (born in 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018) is blessed in the coming year with a lot of success in whatever they do. It’s their year to take on new challenges — whether in career, finances or romantic relationships. That transcontinental move you’d been contemplating? That new job offer? This might be the year to act on it. The Dog person’s fortune aligns smoothly with the Metal Ox Year.
The Boar or the Pig (born in 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019) is the final of the 12 zodiacs and is anticipated to enjoy a stable year, regardless of their pursuits. They will enjoy good finances, but should refrain from spending on big ticket items like a car, new house or large investments. Strengthen your ongoing romantic relationship. Otherwise, keep a low profile. Your health will remain strong. Make sure you get enough rest to protect yourself from stress and injuries.
Author profile

- Bruce
- Bruce Rutledge loves books, baseball, and Pacific Northwest beer, He also loves Japan and has dedicated his career to telling more stories about the country through books, magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, and now, on Origami magazine. He works in Seattle's Pike Place Market. Come visit him in his store in the Down Under.
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